Category Archives: Photography

Summer break | Photos| Teachers need HELP this weekend

Summer’s here! I hope the children (and their parents) are enjoying the start of their break. Let the PTO know what interesting things you all are doing this summer (with clear photos)- we’d love to post student activities on our Facebook (Click here) and our website (Click here). Please take a minute to ‘Like’ the FB page and ‘Follow’ the blog, if you’re not already doing so. The Eighth Grade Graduation photos will be posted there in the next week or so.

Meanwhile, teachers are hard at work packing up for the move to the new facility. They’re looking for some parental help this weekend and, as usual, I’m sure our parents will step up and be happy to help 🙂


Saturday, June 6, 10 am- 12 noon

Sunday, June 7, 10 am- 4 pm.

Library – pack the returned textbooks, tape and label the boxes
Library – pack the AR books in some organized fashion, tape and label the boxes

Computer lab – pack the equipment, tape and label

Science – chemicals – pack per the direction of Mr. Louie
Science – other materials – pack as per direction of Science staff

Walk around classrooms, pull down posters, clean boards etc.
Walk around classrooms and check for other supplies inside cabinets that may have been accidentally left behind.

Please contact Ms. Visa (Email) to let her know you’ll be coming in.

Thank you very much in advance!

Thank you for your help!

Fitness, food & fundraising= fun! Walk-a-thon day today!

Walk-a-thon day today! It promises to be a beautiful autumn California day! Fitness, food & fundraising make for a fun event. Come support the students as they run and walk to help the school and the student community.IMG_0893.JPG

MSA-SC volunteers: you humble, uplift and inspire us!

To all the volunteers, the special people who made the 2013 MSA-SC Walk-a-thon possible, a big thank you from the extended MSA-SC community. You are the reason the event was a big success. Tom Brokaw said: “It’s easy to make a buck.  It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” He was definitely spot-on. You all went the extra mile and made that difference in your child’s life. Remember, volunteering is how YOU can take action to change YOUR world.

You are truly appreciated by MSA-SC PTO, staff and the student community. According to William Arthur Ward, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. “ Well, consider our gratitude wrapped up with bows and ribbons and delivered to you. Thank you for all the hard work that you all put in; hours and hours of sweat, planning, executing and generally working to make the event a success. You humble, uplift and inspire us all! “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless“, said Sherry Anderson.

Walk-a-thon Volunteers: group photo taken at the end of the event

Walk-a-thon Volunteers: all smiles at the end of the event

So, a BIG THANK YOU to all of you! If we missed your name, please accept our apologies for our oversight and let us know so we can add your name.

Volunteer Honor Roll

Shilpa P, Alex & Rita L, Coe & Stephanie T, Namita W, Tina K, Humaira T, Angelyn W

Alan F, Souhalia M, Alice T & Kuo C, Chiow & Huijun K, Ranjini A, Miko G, Yumi I, Michelle L

Nick & Dyan B, Sangeetha B, Shamsa R, Leah A, Amit S, May H, Yi L, Cecilia G, Hatice T, Pauline N

Humaira A, Shveta M, Cecilia B, Angel L, Julie P, Paul R, Maneesh J, Chau T, Yuchao K, Valerie T, Nadjet A, Naila K, Sharmin K, Mei Zhen H

Elizabeth V, Ricardo C, Neil R, Hetal R, Bruce L, Debbie L, Grace L, Rose Marie D, Khalid I, Bhim R,  Chia Chi H, Eileen P. & nephew, Sumana V, Rupali S, Asiya K, Samina S,  Karen N, Nor A, Susan M, Serita M, Kyoko R, Nagaraju I, Yvonne L

Dyan B, Shamsa R, Grace L, Elizabeth, Leah & Amit S

Tiffany Anderson, Nick Blozan, Ying Ying Goh, Sanjeev Gautam, David Kohls, Renata Pang, Michelle Lee,  Jaya Gautam

Mr. Ak, Mr. Taymaz, Ms. Filios, Dr. Ryan and all the MSA- SC teachers and staff

The Magnolia students who worked hard to raise money via pledged donations and walking laps at the walk-a-thon, embracing the concept of bettering ‘their’ school.

A simple thank you can not be enough, so:  “Here’s to all volunteers, those dedicated people who believe in all work and no pay.” ~Robert Orben

* * *

Check out more Walk-a-thon pics: Click here

Don’t forget to log those volunteer hours! Please fill out the following forms:

First Step (required first time you volunteer only): Volunteer Form: (This puts your name in the Volunteer Roster of parents & identifies your interests.)

Once you volunteer at an activity/ event (here it would be Walk-a-thon), please fill out the following form so there is a log of your volunteer hours:

Second Step (after every event): Volunteer tracking:

PICTURE ALERT: Walk-a-thon pics

To the awesome MSA-SC community:

The first set of Walk-a-thon pics are up. There will be more soon, so please check back soon!

Picture Alert: School Garden Work Day photos

An almost forgotten corner of the school, the school garden was visited regularly only by the 10- 12 members of the Earth Club last year. At the start of the new school year, it is baked dry and sere, filled with weeds and trash. However, with Ms. Maragos, we decide to transform it. It will be many things: ‘a food bank, a scientific lab, a quiet, green place to read and relax, a place to draw and paint’.  As Thomas Jefferson said, “No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden.” 

 A call for help sent out to Big Tent and parents and students turn out to help work in the school garden at short notice. Making new memories on a summer weekend, the hard work put in now will lead to more carefree and delightfully green moments later. The transformation from a ‘dry desert’ to a ‘green paradise’ is well on its way!

This past Saturday, August 17, the volunteers all worked hard to get a head start on getting 50% of the beds (7 out of 14) ready. Generous donations of tools, bags of amendments etc. were also brought in. Many thanks to Alan & Michelle Fong, Sajjad Lateef, Valerie Tran, Sanjeev Gautam, Jennifer, Noor, Hind, Bilal, Aaryan and Sahana, and of course Ms. Maragos!


First Day of School, 2013-14: Photos

First Day Of School was August 13, 2013! Old & new friends and teachers, new classrooms, new books & uniforms, and school assembly! Welcome, new school year 🙂

Some photos from the First Day of School Assembly (For slideshow: click on any image):