Category Archives: Walkathon

Thankful | Walk-a-thon Pledge Deadline Extension

Hello Magnolians,

Hope your Thanksgiving Break was thankful and fun and that you are all energized and ready for school to start!

Thank you to all the students, teachers and parents who turned out for and participated in the 2014 MSASC Walk-a-thon. We’re especially thankful to all our volunteers without whom this event would not have been possible! Watch out for their names in the special edition Walk-thon 2014 newsletter coming next week.

Meanwhile, keep collecting those pledges! The date to turn in the pledge money has been extended from Dec.1 to Friday Dec. 5 to allow students more time to get the money in from family, friends, neighbors etc. Money is to be turned in to Homeroom teachers. Every pledge turned in with $20 or more is eligible for a Free Dress Pass!

Remember, we have great prizes this year for the most funds raised by students including an XBox One, Samsung tablets etc. among others.


Fitness, food & fundraising= fun! Walk-a-thon day today!

Walk-a-thon day today! It promises to be a beautiful autumn California day! Fitness, food & fundraising make for a fun event. Come support the students as they run and walk to help the school and the student community.IMG_0893.JPG

Tomorrow Friday, Nov. 21st: Food at the Walk-a-thon, prizes, etc.

The Walk-a-thon is tomorrow, look forward to seeing you there at 1 pm!

Flyer with Food details:

MSA-SC Walkathon 2014 Flyer with Food Details

MSA-SC Walkathon 2014 Flyer

Click to view: MSA-SC Walk-a-thon 2014 flyer with food details


Click here for more details on the exciting prizes!


Walk-a-thon coming up soon! Pledge Forms & Loaner sign-ups

Walk-a-thon 2014 is around the corner. How’re the kids doing on collecting pledges? It’s not too late to ramp up on the fundraising! We have some awesome prizes lined up for them this year 🙂

Meanwhile, we need a few items as loaners for the Walk-a-thon. We couldn’t do this without you all!! Please sign up here:

Walk-a-thon 2014 update: Pledges| Prizes|Participate

Walk-a-thon 2014 is coming up soon on Friday, November 21 from 1- 4pm. Exciting indeed! We look forward to the parents’ presence at the event to support and cheer on the students. There will be food and snacks available for purchase.

Pledge Forms

Pledge Forms were sent home with the students some time back. If misplaced, the Pledge Form can be printed by Clicking Here. All money should be turned in by December 1st or earlier. If paying through Paypal to the PTO, please add a note about the child’s name & grade and that the money is for the Walk-a-thon Pledge. For questions we have received on the minimum donation, may we suggest $100 or more per child. If children would like to request their neighbors to support their efforts in the walk-a-thon, please have them always walk with an adult when knocking door to door. Family & holiday parties can be another good venue to convince prospective donors on how their donations can benefit the student’s school and the students themselves. Money raised goes to science and technology equipment & supplies, arts programs, to help teachers etc.

IMP: Don’t forget to ask if your (or the student’s uncle/ aunt/ other family/ friends’) employer matches donations. This is a way to double the money raised by the student. The PTO is a 501 (c) (3) organization and therefore an eligible non-profit for corporate matching programs.


This year, the students can look forward to some exciting prizes. The top fundraiser in the school will win an XBox One! Other prizes include tablets etc. The students with the most number of laps completed will also get great prizes, tickets to fun places etc.

Microsoft's XBox One

XBox One

2 classes will get Pizza Parties: (1) the class which raises the most money and (2) the class whose students walk the most laps together.

As usual, we could never do this without the support of our parents. Please Click here to sign-up to volunteer. We also need some canopies as loaners: Click here to sign-up. Thank you in advance!

Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy.  You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.  ~Author Unknown

Many of the new students & parents had questions about the event. To give the new (and old) Magnolians an idea of what’s in store for them, here’s an overview:

Watch last year’s video aired on TV: Click here

Check out 2013 photos: Click here

Read some articles on the 2013 Walk-a-thon: Click here

Volunteers needed for Walk-a-thon 2014!

Hello Magnolians,

MSA-SC’s biggest event of this year, the Annual Walk-a-thon is coming up on Friday, November 21st. Our biggest fundraiser, last year’s Walk-a-thon was a great success with students walking/ running non-stop to fulfill the Pledges they had collected from family and friends. Many parents and staff also participated enthusiastically. The PTO raised ~$25,000 to help the school (and eventually the students), in technology and equipment, teacher training, extracurricular programs etc. It’s that extra support which helps the students & the school shine more brightly!

Pledge forms will be going home with your student/s soon. They will start reaching out to their circles to get the pledge commitments. Meanwhile, we need parents’ help, too. Without you, an event of this magnitude can never be put together. Last year, parents generously gave their time and effort to make a successful event happen. We look forward and depend upon your support this year, too.

‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ – Winston Churchill.

Please sign-up to volunteer in this Google Form:

Thank you in advance!

Walk-a-thon 2013 photos:

Walk-a-thon 2013 video:

Walk-a-thon 2013 press coverage:


Students run at the 2013 MSA-SC Walk-a-thon

Students run at the 2013 MSA-SC Walk-a-thon

MSA-SC volunteers: you humble, uplift and inspire us!

To all the volunteers, the special people who made the 2013 MSA-SC Walk-a-thon possible, a big thank you from the extended MSA-SC community. You are the reason the event was a big success. Tom Brokaw said: “It’s easy to make a buck.  It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.” He was definitely spot-on. You all went the extra mile and made that difference in your child’s life. Remember, volunteering is how YOU can take action to change YOUR world.

You are truly appreciated by MSA-SC PTO, staff and the student community. According to William Arthur Ward, “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. “ Well, consider our gratitude wrapped up with bows and ribbons and delivered to you. Thank you for all the hard work that you all put in; hours and hours of sweat, planning, executing and generally working to make the event a success. You humble, uplift and inspire us all! “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless“, said Sherry Anderson.

Walk-a-thon Volunteers: group photo taken at the end of the event

Walk-a-thon Volunteers: all smiles at the end of the event

So, a BIG THANK YOU to all of you! If we missed your name, please accept our apologies for our oversight and let us know so we can add your name.

Volunteer Honor Roll

Shilpa P, Alex & Rita L, Coe & Stephanie T, Namita W, Tina K, Humaira T, Angelyn W

Alan F, Souhalia M, Alice T & Kuo C, Chiow & Huijun K, Ranjini A, Miko G, Yumi I, Michelle L

Nick & Dyan B, Sangeetha B, Shamsa R, Leah A, Amit S, May H, Yi L, Cecilia G, Hatice T, Pauline N

Humaira A, Shveta M, Cecilia B, Angel L, Julie P, Paul R, Maneesh J, Chau T, Yuchao K, Valerie T, Nadjet A, Naila K, Sharmin K, Mei Zhen H

Elizabeth V, Ricardo C, Neil R, Hetal R, Bruce L, Debbie L, Grace L, Rose Marie D, Khalid I, Bhim R,  Chia Chi H, Eileen P. & nephew, Sumana V, Rupali S, Asiya K, Samina S,  Karen N, Nor A, Susan M, Serita M, Kyoko R, Nagaraju I, Yvonne L

Dyan B, Shamsa R, Grace L, Elizabeth, Leah & Amit S

Tiffany Anderson, Nick Blozan, Ying Ying Goh, Sanjeev Gautam, David Kohls, Renata Pang, Michelle Lee,  Jaya Gautam

Mr. Ak, Mr. Taymaz, Ms. Filios, Dr. Ryan and all the MSA- SC teachers and staff

The Magnolia students who worked hard to raise money via pledged donations and walking laps at the walk-a-thon, embracing the concept of bettering ‘their’ school.

A simple thank you can not be enough, so:  “Here’s to all volunteers, those dedicated people who believe in all work and no pay.” ~Robert Orben

* * *

Check out more Walk-a-thon pics: Click here

Don’t forget to log those volunteer hours! Please fill out the following forms:

First Step (required first time you volunteer only): Volunteer Form: (This puts your name in the Volunteer Roster of parents & identifies your interests.)

Once you volunteer at an activity/ event (here it would be Walk-a-thon), please fill out the following form so there is a log of your volunteer hours:

Second Step (after every event): Volunteer tracking:

PICTURE ALERT: Walk-a-thon pics

To the awesome MSA-SC community:

The first set of Walk-a-thon pics are up. There will be more soon, so please check back soon!

Walk-a-thon results are up

The Walk-a-thon results are up! What a magnificent effort by all the students, they did the school proud! Not to mention, the teachers and staff; Mr. Ak himself did 34 laps and Ms. Yazar did 35.

Way to go!

To view results, click here.

Get more copies of the Pledge Form here

Last couple of days for raising money for the school! For people who’ve used up their Pledge Form, you can print more copies by Clicking Here

Great going, MSA-SC community! Look forward to raising a substantial sum to make the school even better 🙂

It’s Walk-a-thon Day!

The long awaited Walk-a-thon is here! Parents, teachers and students have worked hard to put together a grand and memorable  event. Countless hours, innumerable meetings and  immeasurable effort by our volunteers culminates today in a fun and healthy fundraiser.

Soundtrack to walk to, some songs walk/ run related and some just for the beat and/ or for the kids 🙂 Leave your favorite songs to walk, jog and run to in the comments section!

  1. Chariots of Fire Theme Song
  2. Eye of the Tiger (Survivor)
  3. Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) (Kelly Clarkson)
  4. Pump It (Black Eyed Peas)
  5. Moves Like Jagger (Maroon 5)
  6. Rolling in the Deep (Adele)
  7. Living on a Prayer (Bon Jovi)
  8. Raise Your Glass (Pink)
  9. Paradise City (Guns N’ Roses)
  10. Don’t Stop Believing (Journey)
  11. Radioactive (Imagine Dragons)
  12. Born to Run (Bruce Springsteen)
  13. The Fox (What does the Fox Say?) (Ylvis)
  14. Gangnam Style (Psy)
  15. Hey Ya (Outkast)